The Epistemologies Series


What is Truth?

Metacognition, ever tried it?

The process of analyzing your own thinking process, or thinking about your thinking. Sounds like spinning in circles? Well, this potentially dizzying exercise could well be worth your time. There’s an old proverb that states, “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.” And another wise one once explained, “If the thoughts are wrong, the feeling will be wrong, and the thoughts and the feelings combined, make up our moral character.” Most of us may not spend too much time considering our “moral character,” yet it may be more beneficial than first thought.

Epistemology: Described by Oxford Dictionary as a “philosophical term meaning: the theory of knowledge, esp. with regards to its methods, validity, and scope. The investigation of what distinguishes justified belief from opinion,” basically can be summed up by asking, “What is truth?” How do you think? Where do your beliefs come from?

What is truth? Where do you find it?