Mind Slaves


The best kind of slave is the one who thinks he’s free. Mind Slaves metaphorically exhibits the concept of mind control and mind programming.

Many are all familiar with the reality of visible slavery past and present. Yet many are unaware of a more sinister form of bondage: enslavement of the mind. Mind Slaves is meant to open a discussion on this disquieting nefarious enterprise.

The best kind of slave is the one who thinks he’s free.

Mind Slaves metaphorically exhibits the concept of mind control and mind programming. We are all familiar with the reality of slavery, most of us have studied about the atrocities that took place in our own country’s history with the African American slave trade.

However, slavery is not a monstrosity of the past. Through humanitarian groups and other such organizations, awareness is being increased about current slavery that still exists in our world. The sex trade, human trafficking, bonded labor, or forced labor, as well as debt bondage and indentured servants are all forms we are becoming informed about.

Yet many are unaware of a more sinister form of bondage: enslavement of the mind.

Mind Slaves is meant to open a discussion on this disquieting nefarious enterprise.

There are various forms of mind slavery or mind control/programming, often involving children, society’s throw offs, prisoners, government and entertainment industry performers, and more. It is an elite operation that has gone on right under our noses for longer than any of us would wish to realize.

Stop and think, who’s in control of your mind?