
Artist Statement // The EmBRAce Project

Susanne From The EmBRAce Project Series

From The EmBRAce Project Series

The EmBRAce Project

A series of collaged photographs by Jacqueline Baerwald

The EmBRAce Project is a series of still life portraits that capture a feminine self image.

What lies close to each woman's heart - hinting at her world, internally and externally? The object placed on her “heart” symbolizes what is nearest and dearest to her right then, some cheering, others challenging. A quote accompanies each photo as if it were words of wisdom the woman would like to pass along to the viewers. Each image is named as if she actually existed, even though she is merely a portrayal of various identities. The images depict snapshots of each woman’s journey to embrace and process all the parts of herself that are potentially hidden, unexplored, guarded, discarded or privately held dear - the good, bad and the ugly. Will she embrace herself so fully that ultimately she can find the joy that’s hidden under all the layers of baggage? I hope so.

It all began with a chance photograph my husband took of laundry and leaves.

The composition captured my attention and awakened my insecurity about my own identity, femininity and vulnerability. Who am I? What’s my purpose? Why do I feel  so awkward with myself? What’s really important to me? Why am I not really enjoying life? Do I really love myself?

The EmBRAce Project grew out of these yet unsatisfied subsurface inquiries. Why was I subconsciously judging, categorizing and dismissing myself based on exterior stereotypical trimmings, and thinking others were doing the same about me? Is that who I am? Or, as I discovered later, was my identity based more on what I held dear in my deeply guarded heart of hearts? Did I even know where that was or what was there? As an artist and a human I‘ve spent most of my life living out of my head - overthinking everything, analyzing every detail, doubly ensuring I got it right, fearing failure and abandonment. Growing up I was inadvertently taught that my heart could only lead me astray, to listen to it was dangerous. So I tucked it neatly away in a safe-from-me (and others) place and set my rule-oriented mind to guide me through thick and thin. I thought I could conveniently forget that feeling was part of being human. 

Something struck me that day I laid eyes on that simple snapshot of a bra and fall foliage.

There was something about perceiving that void between those two nurturing symbols of femininity. Somewhere underneath the glossy exterior hid a heart invisible, buried deep, safely kept away from the light of day and my awareness. What really lay locked in there, sealed from my conscious mind? Could it be the key to what I’d been missing, what my mind had been unsuccessfully searching for? On a whim I decided to try something new and bold for me. Don’t think - just do. Don’t analyze - just synthesize. Don’t contemplate - just create. Make based on how it feels rather than doing an profusion of research, list-making, rule-writing and compiling of a compendium of carefully outlined constraints. Wing it. Go out on a limb. Take a leap. It was electrifying and enjoyable! I didn’t have to know what that pile of props meant, instead only ask if the mood and impression were captivating. Allow my intuition to guide. Open my heart and see what would emerge. Could I embrace this part of myself so long stifled?

Was I willing to be vulnerable - with myself, with others - through creating and then showing this spontaneous, sensitive subject? Honestly, most of these compositions were created over two years ago and then sat languishing on my computer, buried, just like my continued confused feelings about myself as my heart and head struggled to make sense of each other. It’s personal and unpredictable to open my heart, find myself, and just be. My mind reeled with a thousand questions - Am I really that? What will others think? What will they say? Will I fall? Fail? Lose? Be alone? The negative mind chatter was endless. But it couldn’t see the whole picture. Resolved to engage life with my whole being - mind, heart, body and spirit - I could start to truly see what’s important to me, to enjoy, nurture and embrace my true self. Many layers of baggage and damage had to surface up out of my heart, and frankly still is. Not all of it is pretty - some pitiful, some painful, some passionate - but all is pertinent. If I was to find my own voice, first I had to allow my heart to speak. 

Don’t overthink it. 

J O Y ♥︎ - Just Open Your Heart.

Note: All photographs were matted and framed by the artist, including collaging the wallpaper used in each photo’s background. Frames do not include glass.

Artist Statement // Mind Slaves

Somewhere Over the Rainbow From the Mind Slaves Series

Somewhere Over the Rainbow
From the Mind Slaves Series

Mind Slaves

A darkroom photography series by Jacqueline Baerwald

The best kind of slave is the one who thinks he’s free.

Mind Slaves metaphorically exhibits the concept of mind control and mind programming. We are all familiar with the reality of slavery, most of us have studied about the atrocities that took place in our own country’s history with the African American slave trade.

However, slavery is not a monstrosity of the past. Through humanitarian groups and other such organizations, awareness is being increased about current slavery that still exists in our world. The sex trade, human trafficking, bonded labor, or forced labor, as well as debt bondage and indentured servants are all forms we are becoming informed about.

Yet many are unaware of a more sinister form of bondage: enslavement of the mind.

Mind Slaves is meant to open a discussion on this disquieting nefarious enterprise.

There are various forms of mind slavery or mind control/programming, often involving children, society’s throw offs, prisoners, government and entertainment industry performers, and more. It is an elite operation that has gone on right under our noses for longer than any of us would wish to realize.

Stop and think, who’s in control of your mind?

A Poetic Commentary: Alone I Die, Lest I Learn To Fly

Alone I Die, Lest I Learn To Fly In the Garden of Beasts Series

Alone I Die, Lest I Learn To Fly
In the Garden of Beasts Series

Alone I Die, Lest I Learn To Fly

    isolated on this lonely isle

    filthy, dirty, wretched, and vile


    twas it a matter of conscience?

    how then twas much of me conscious?

encyclopedia of MORALS

    gone over and over and over again

    to this torment shall there be no end?


    twas never meant to do harm

    must then be taken so by his charm


    became a score and two of its dark spell

    secretly keeping in me heart this hell

Our Game

    twas to be so innocent but of course

    yea innocence twas lost through subtle force


    memories forget any pledge be made

    but untold confessions of being afraid


    be tangled in this failure

    abandoned feel and out of favor

Body and Soul

    harm not one without the other

    heal not one without another

A Death of Innocence

    isolated in this lone isle

    must me thoughts and I reconcile

A Poetic Commentary: Find We Must or Die To Dust

Find We Must or Die To Dust

Find We Must or Die To Dust In the Garden of Beasts Series

Find We Must or Die To Dust
In the Garden of Beasts Series

    reach now above thy head

    fear not the things thou hast dread

The Health Seeker

    seek thee now the answer

    else be consumed by this cancer

Give Us This Day

    and lead not into temptation

    save me from this damnation

Maximum Immunity

    canst thou find it in books?

    beware not to entangle with rooks


    what is the origin, what be the source?

    inquire if it shall increase thy vital force

A Gift from the Kitchen

    as natural nature intended

    whole, untainted be recommended


    begin with that which truly feeds you

    partake small bites thou canst surely chew


    bring the basics back to thy remembrance

    tis simplicity that brings transcendence

Nutrition in Health and Disease

    which beast shall thou feed?

    vice to starve, virtue to succeed


    thou wilt be what thee ingest

    whether physically or mentally processed


    choose wisely what thy substance shall be

    ask, adopt, embrace what will with thy being agree


    reach now above thy head

    grasp the higher hand instead

A Poetic Commentary: Beauty and the Beasts

Beauty and the Beasts In the Garden of Beasts Series

Beauty and the Beasts
In the Garden of Beasts Series

Beauty and the Beasts

    poorly here I lay in peace?

    oh my condition, find the golden fleece!


    counselor, consoler, comfort me bring

    for what else have I to cling?


    tis beyond mine eyes to see

    in this wood dark and beastly


    bring me thy remedy

    show me my identity


    what has happened inside?

    tis like part of me has died


    oh these books they tell me so

    so the words they grow

PATHOPHYSIOLOGY mechanisms and expressions

    which path have I expressed?

    which path for me is best?


    mushrooms, trilliums, and ferns

    oh little one, how it burns


    poorly here I lay in peace?

    oh when will this agony cease?!